Monday, March 1, 2010 really, really like us!

Dear AUHoops Readers,

The final readership numbers for the month of February just came in, and I must say I am impressed, astounded, flattered, and inspired all at once. In the mere 28 days that comprise February, 7,500 of you loaded our page over 16,500 times...and 3,600 of you came back for even more AUHoops goodness. Whether you love us, AU Eagles Basketball, or (most likely) both, let me offer forth a sincere, heartfelt THANK YOU!

Over the last month the comments section of many of our posts have absolutely exploded, and both frequent and infrequent commenters have emerged. No matter how often you post, however, every comment has been insightful and I've learned a lot - it's clear that many of our reader's knowledge of all things basketball and American University far exceeds my own - and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's also clear that there is a big untapped market for such a sounding board for Eagles fans, so rest assured that for Season 2 of AUHoops (and yes, there will be a Season 2!) we will be rolling out a full message board so that the very best fans in the Patriot League can have their opinions and thoughts heard. Make sure to vote in this week's Poll of the Week, located in the upper lefthand corner of AUHoops for your convenience, to let us know just how you'd like us to do this.

Let's get back to the present, however. This season's sure as hell not done yet, as we'll again be hosting a round of the Patriot League Quarterfinals against all odds this Wednesday at 7:30 PM vs. the Navy Midshipmen. Check back on Tuesday for our preview. Until then, I have this to say (and I am sure Bill agrees 100%):

Thank you for reading. Thank you for typing AUHoops into your address bar, clicking an errant link you ran across while surfing the web, or by typing our name into your search engine of choice. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for showing us just how deep the AU Red and Blue run in the veins of our students, alumni, friends, fans, and supporters, even in a rebuilding year. Thank you for validating all of the time and effort we put into this blog. Thank you for helping us make bad jokes about Holy Cross. Thank you for teaching us about basketball, and we hope you possibly learned something from us as well. To summarize: thank you!

In the next few days we'll be throwing up a special thank you gift for your loyal readership (pending shock from midterm examinations), so be on the lookout! We'll see you here on Wednesday, and with any luck after that for a few more games!



  1. I think we all owe Josh and Bill a debt of gratitude for setting this up. This was definetly something missing from the AU hoops experience and I know I am appreciative for their work.

    Thanks Boys

  2. Agreed!! Thanks, Bill and Josh! :-)
