Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday...From the Vault

Just because basketball season has come to an end for our valiant Eagles (the women fight on, of course) does not mean we're hibernating here at AUHoops. On the contrary, we're taking this time to keep bringing you the weekly features you (probably) love, and most of all improve all aspects of the site leading up to AUHoops Season 2. To this end, I want to present a new feature that you might not see every week, because it's dependent on how much cool stuff we can find as we relentlessly scour the darkest depths of the longest-forgotten archives. I hereby dedicate "Thursday...From the Vault" to our older readers, whose vast knowledge of AU far exceeds our own. I have to say I've learned a whole lot from you guys who post in the comments, so I hope I can give a little back.

For the inaugural edition of TFtV, I present one of AU's original fight songs. This was pulled from an old edition of The Eagle that ran a feature on the history of AU Spirit on October 28th, 1959. Presenting...THE EAGLE SONG:

My favorite is the repeating verse, with the stark imagery of the Earth reverberating and all sorts of old glory and whatnot. I can also picture inserting "Holy Cross" in lieu of "that Team"...or in fact whoever we're playing at the moment, because back when this song was used Holy Cross wasn't quite on the radar yet.

I wish I knew the tune to this song, so if any of our readers have heard it before...don't be shy about it. Believe it or not this is still not the only song that AU fans have proudly belted over the past century or so, and we'll be bringing you more AU Eagles history on subsequent TFtV's. Until then, "hit them hard, Loyal Eagles!" Special thanks to the AU Library and anyone in the Archives department who took the time to digitize The Eagle all the way back to the 20's! Check back soon for our season recap, it's sure to be intense.

"Eagles On Forever More, American U., American U.",

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what is this call number MT920? I didn't think it was possible to get a worse fight song than the one we currently have.
