Sunday, March 14, 2010

Announcing the AUHoops Tourney Challenge!

Hi everyone. Hope you're all enjoying Selection Sunday! I have to say I'm shocked (shocked!) that the committee didn't see fit to award us an at-large bid. Teams like Florida just burst our bubble, I guess.

Anyway, although the AU men's season is over, the NCAA basketball tournament obviously holds a lot of allure for fans of college basketball. Since we've got a budding community here, I figured it might be fun if we had a basketball pool here.

I've set up a group at CBS Sportsline for us to use. To participate, you will have to sign up for an account, but it takes all of 30 seconds and is free.

The link to the group is: and the password is "lumpkinpatch"

Hope I'll be seeing a lot of you participate in this. I think it'll be a lot of fun. I might even be able to scrounge up some kind of prize for whoever wins!

If you have any questions, email at or post in the comments. I'll try to troubleshoot as best I can.

Pro deo et patria and GO EAGLES!


  1. 10-12 of you have already signed up! Keep on joining, this will be a lot of fun!

  2. B cubed:
    Will there be a prize for the person who gets the closest? Free tickets to an upcoming basketball game for alums? Or maybe a free concession from the concession stand?

