Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lumpkins Will Sign with Kansas City Royals

We'll have analysis/coverage about this in the coming days, but for now, be sure to read Josh Barr's article regarding Stephen Lumpkins' decision to sign with the Kansas City Royals.

Pro deo et patria and GO EAGLES!


  1. What a crummy month or so for AU fans. First Cody leaves. Not sure I knew we had a wrestling team when I was at AU but really became a fan about 5 years ago because of Cody. Now we lose Lumpkins. Next year is going to be very shaky. Stranger things have happened but we could be looking at a year similar to the pre-Vlad 2009-2010 season.

  2. It is going to be worse than the "pre-Vlad 2009-2010 season."
